Looking at the S&P 500 annual returns from 1928 to 2021, we can extract some critical hints about the returns of the most important stock index in the world.
2022 was the seventh-worst year in the history of the S&P 500 index.
The five worst years in the history of the S&P 500:
1931 -47.07%
1937 -38.59%
2008 -38.49%
1974 -29.72%
1930 -28.48%
The five best years in the history of the S&P 500 were:
1928 37.88%
1958 38.06%
1935 41.37%
1954 45.02%
1933 46.59%
The longest winning streak for the index was from 1982 to 1989; 8 years in a row with gains.
1989 27.25%
1988 12.40%
1987 2.03%
1986 14.62%
1985 26.33%
1984 1.40%
1983 17.27%
1982 14.76%
It was only one time in the S&P 500 history that the index had 4 negative years in a row:
1932 -15.15%
1931 -47.07%
1930 -28.48%
1929 -11.91%
On two occasions we had three negative years in a row:
2002 -23.37%
2001 -13.04%
2000 -10.14%
1941 – 17,86%
1940 -15,29%
1939 -5,45%
Two negative years in a row the index had only in 1973-1974:
1974 -29.72%
1973 -17.37%
Table of annual returns of the S&P 500 since 1928
Year | |
Annual Return | |
2022 | -19,44% |
2021 | 26.89% |
2020 | 16.26% |
2019 | 28.88% |
2018 | -6.24% |
2017 | 19.42% |
2016 | 9.54% |
2015 | -0.73% |
2014 | 11.39% |
2013 | 29.60% |
2012 | 13.41% |
2011 | 0.00% |
2010 | 12.78% |
2009 | 23.45% |
2008 | -38.49% |
2007 | 3.53% |
2006 | 13.62% |
2005 | 3.00% |
2004 | 8.99% |
2003 | 26.38% |
2002 | -23.37% |
2001 | -13.04% |
2000 | -10.14% |
1999 | 19.53% |
1998 | 26.67% |
1997 | 31.01% |
1996 | 20.26% |
1995 | 34.11% |
1994 | -1.54% |
1993 | 7.06% |
1992 | 4.46% |
1991 | 26.31% |
1990 | -6.56% |
1989 | 27.25% |
1988 | 12.40% |
1987 | 2.03% |
1986 | 14.62% |
1985 | 26.33% |
1984 | 1.40% |
1983 | 17.27% |
1982 | 14.76% |
1981 | -9.73% |
1980 | 25.77% |
1979 | 12.31% |
1978 | 1.06% |
1977 | -11.50% |
1976 | 19.15% |
1975 | 31.55% |
1974 | -29.72% |
1973 | -17.37% |
1972 | 15.63% |
1971 | 10.79% |
1970 | 0.10% |
1969 | -11.36% |
1968 | 7.66% |
1967 | 20.09% |
1966 | -13.09% |
1965 | 9.06% |
1964 | 12.97% |
1963 | 18.89% |
1962 | -11.81% |
1961 | 23.13% |
1960 | -2.97% |
1959 | 8.48% |
1958 | 38.06% |
1957 | -14.31% |
1956 | 2.62% |
1955 | 26.40% |
1954 | 45.02% |
1953 | -6.62% |
1952 | 11.78% |
1951 | 16.46% |
1950 | 21.78% |
1949 | 10.26% |
1948 | -0.65% |
1947 | 0.00% |
1946 | -11.87% |
1945 | 30.72% |
1944 | 13.80% |
1943 | 19.45% |
1942 | 12.43% |
1941 | -17.86% |
1940 | -15.29% |
1939 | -5.45% |
1938 | 25.21% |
1937 | -38.59% |
1936 | 27.92% |
1935 | 41.37% |
1934 | -5.94% |
1933 | 46.59% |
1932 | -15.15% |
1931 | -47.07% |
1930 | -28.48% |
1929 | -11.91% |
1928 | 37.88% |
S&P 500 is the main benchmark of the performance of the U.S. stock market starting back in the 1920s
S&P 500 εntire history mean annual return is 11.2%
The S&P 500 index gained value in 63 years and lost value in 30 years. The index finished unchanged two years.
Nikolas has been involved in the finance industry for over fifteen years spanning across Europe and USA with a depth of knowledge and experience within many aspects of the financial markets. Nikolas gained several years experience with some of the Europe’s leading Brokers, as equity analyst, and trader managing accounts for both Private and Corporate Investors. He enjoys both the fundamental and technical aspects of trading focusing on stock markets and all FX majors. Currently, Nikolas provides analysis and comments to online financial publications. Educational background in Economics (BSc), and Finance (MSc).